Christmas get fit challenges
Posted on November 18, 2016 at 3:54 am
With Christmas around the corner, over indulging is sometimes inevitable. So the plan is to fix yourself up leading up to the 25th December. With Christmas being a month away the plan needs to start now. Many fitness and nutrition companies have picked up on this trend and are offering 30-day package deals to get in shape for Christmas.
The plans consist of a workout for at least 30 minutes a day for 6 days of the week, resulting in only one rest day. The 30 minutes must include cardio, such as running or a high-intensity workout (giving better results). The other sector is diet, controlling the snacks and increasing your intake of healthy fats and proteins.
We all thought it was just a beach body everyone wants, but now there is a Christmas outfit to fit into, a couple of weddings to go to and you want to be the best shape for them all.